Our February 1st meeting will be held at:
City of San Diego War Memorial Building in Balboa Park
325 Zoo Drive. Free parking in the north part of the Zoo parking lot. Or take the trolley to City College Trolley Station (C Street and Broadway then the 7 bus north on Park Avenue (or walk 1.9 miles).
This meeting will be held from 11:00am to 1:30pm – Cost is $20.00
This meeting will have 1 CEU’s for Arborist / Tree Worker Certification.
This Months topic will be:
“Threats to the Urban Forest”
There are many threats to our urban forest today. Some are invasive, some are environmental, and some are preventable. This presentation will cover many of these issues, as well as include an open discussion on what you perceive are currently the biggest threats to the urban forests in Southern California.
Presented by: Jennifer Pelham
Jennifer Pelham is the Area Environmental Advisor with the University of California Cooperative Extension in San Diego and Orange Counties.
Jennifer is relatively new to California, but previously spent over 14 years as a faculty member with the University of Florida IFAS Extension.
Originally from Pennsylvania, she obtained her B.S. from the Pennsylvania State University and two master degrees from the University of Florida, including one in Pest Management. Jennifer has also been a Certified Arborist since 2004.