SDRUFC Publications
Water Wise Tree Care
Clearance Standards for San Diego County
Trees of Merit
Members of the SDRUFC wrote a series of articles about important Southern California landscape trees for publication in the Society of Municipal Foresters publication, “City Trees.”
Coast Live Oak – by Delia Juncal
Chinese Flame Tree – by Vince Mikulanis
Other Articles from our Partners
“Trees Are Good…Especially in Kelowna, British Columbia.” – In this article, Delia Juncal documents her Municipal Forester Exchange experience.
“It’s Never Just About the Trees!” – Published in the SMA’s “City Trees” Magazine, Delia discusses the true community effort and multiple partnerships that went into beautifying Marlado Highlands park in Oceanside, California on “Make a Difference Day.”
“Arbor Day Takes Root in Miracosta College” – SDRUFC Chair Mike Palat and Delia Juncal teach an urban forestry course at a local community college. This Newsletter brief shows the real world education the students receive and benefits of their active involvement in the program.