SDRUFC Partners

Our partners comprise the San Diego Regional Urban Forests Council, consisting of committed individuals from various cities and private companies across San Diego County. We take pride in their dedication. For more details about our partners, please refer below. If you wish to have your organization included in this list, please email: with the necessary information.

SDRUFC Executive Committee

The Executive Committee of the San Diego Regional Urban Forests Council offers guidance and strategic direction for the entire council. The committee comprises both officers and non-elected members. General members are welcome to join the committee at any point. Meetings of the board usually occur at 10:00 am prior to our regular meetings and include conference calls as needed between meetings.

SDRUFC Partnerships

We are fortunate to have a diverse range of representatives on the council, each contributing expertise from various forestry sectors in San Diego County. Our representation includes City Urban Foresters, private sector employees, non-profit groups, and private consultants. Our partners range from the following organizations.





Private Industry